Benefits of quitting smoking

Discover the numerous benefits of quitting smoking today to enjoy a happier and healthier life.

Improved health

Smoking is the leading cause of cancer and diseases globally, and quitting has various health benefits in the short and long term. Some of the most significant benefits are reduced risk of lung cancer and heart disease, improved lung function and lower blood pressure. Overall, quitting smoking is a powerful step towards improving your physical and mental health, and enjoying a better quality of life.

Improved quality of life

In addition to better health and breathing, quitting smoking can increase energy levels, improve your sense of taste and smell and reduce premature aging, allowing you to feel more energetic. Quitting smoking can also lead to improved relationships with loved ones, as it eliminates the negative impact of secondhand smoke on those around you. Don’t forget, by quitting smoking, you can save a substantial amount of money; all of the above can contribute to you living a more fulfilling life.

Methods to help you move towards quitting

As smoking may not be easy to quit, the benefits are worth it and there are many methods and resources available in Saudi Arabia to help you quit. These including anti-smoking clinics, nicotine delivery alternatives such as DZRT, prescription medications, and support groups.